6 B Av Raymond Poincaré
19130 Objat
N°TVA : 84821341898


The Ear

The ear is one of our sensory organs. It makes possible to hear, to communicate, to locate a sound, to find one's bearing in the space, to maintain one's balance.

When the ear get old or suffers a trauma, and functions less well. We are talking about hearing loss, vertigo and tinnitus. 

Hearing loss:

If you repeat, if you increase the level of your television, if you can't have a normal conversation with some people, if you can't locate a sound, if you isolate yourself.... Maybe you have an hearing loss and you must consult a specialist. 

 AUDITION19 offers a free hearing assessment: you will be fixed immediatly!  Take an appointment to Objat or Seilhac!


The tinnitus are some sounds like whistlings, buzzing or musics, that only you can hear. Tinnitus can be fluctuating, whooshing, steady or permanent.

You can have one, two, three... People who suffers about tinnitus can have hearing aids, that helps to decrease intensity, and make more comfortable.

Take an appointement for more informations with your hearing aids specialist, to Objat and Seilhac.

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